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Club ByLaws


Beaver Valley Area Beekeepers Association

Constitution and By-Laws

Revised June 2008; September 2008; February 2014, November 2017, November 2018, February 2020

Article I Name
The name of this organization, one of not-for-profit, shall be The Beaver Valley Area
Beekeepers Association. It is based in Beaver County.

Article II Purpose and Function
The purpose and function of the Association is the promotion of the interest in honeybees and
beekeeping throughout Southwestern Pennsylvania and most particularly in Beaver County
and the surrounding counties, by such means as:
a) Encourage and promote best management practices in Beekeeping
b) Encourage and promote legislation to assist and maintain beekeeping at the local, state
and federal level
c) Encourage and promote the utilization of research based information
d) Conduct educational programs to enhance and promote beekeeping.


Article III Membership
Membership in the Beaver Valley Area Beekeepers Association shall be open to all persons
interested in honeybees and beekeeping.
a) Members will make annual payment of dues which should be made by the fall banquet
for the following year. Changes may be set by a majority of those voting at a general
b) Dues will include an amount set by the board. Members of the Beaver Valley Area
Beekeepers are encouraged to join the Pennsylvania State Beekeepers Association.
c) Only current dues paying members in good standing will be permitted to vote and
receive a newsletter.


Article IV Officers and Executive Board
The Executive Board including officers shall be the governing body of the association and shall
be responsible for managing the property of and conducting the business and all other affairs
of the association not delegated to the membership or to committees.
a) The Executive Board shall consist of: President, Vice-president, Secretary, Treasurer,
plus TWO members to represent each county demonstrated by current club
membership. These counties may include – Allegheny, Beaver, Butler, Lawrence,
Washington, and Westmoreland.

b) The term of the officers shall be for 1 year. The term of the county representative shall
be for 3 years (two counties being elected each year)
c) No member shall be elected to the Board for more than two consecutive terms unless
an insufficient number of candidates are nominated.
d) The President may not succeed himself/herself for more than two (2) successive terms.
He or she may be re-elected any time after a retirement of one year. In the event that
there is an insufficient number of candidates nominated for this position on the
President’s second term he or she may only serve one additional term.
e) All elected officers shall be members of the Association and be in good standing.
f) The President, vice-president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, and
county representatives shall constitute the Executive Board and will hereinafter be
referred to as such.
g) The Executive Board will meet at least twice a year. Special meetings may be called by
the President or by any three board members provided notice is given each board
member at least three days prior to the Special meeting, its purpose clearly stated and
no other business conducted at the meeting. The President may permit, or not permit
members and others to attend Board meetings as observers or as business may
require. A quorum of the Board shall be required to conduct any business of the
Association, such quorum being at least four of the board members.
h) No Board member, officer, committee member of any volunteer member working on
behalf of the Beaver Valley Area Beekeepers shall be liable for any of their actions
excepting gross negligence and shall be indemnified and held harmless from any
consequences of their actions.
i) The fiscal year shall be October 1 to September 30.
Duties of Officers
a) It shall be the duty of the President to preside at meetings of the Association, coordinate
its activities, and perform all duties usually pertaining to this office.
b) In the absence or disability of the President the vice-president shall perform all duties of
the President. The Vice-president shall also serve as the Chair of the nominating
committee and act as the primary elected official, supervising nominations, elections,
and balloting.
c) The secretary shall perform such duties as are usual to this office, shall keep the
minutes of all proceedings and record the same, maintain historical documents and
conduct routine correspondence for the Association.
d) The Treasurer shall take applications for new membership and keep a roster of
members: receive all funds of the Association and deposit same in a two signature
checking account in a federally insured bank. The Treasurer will disburse funds as
authorized by a majority vote at any meeting of the organization or board of directors,
provided a quorum is present, maintain accurate records of income and disbursements
with major decisions of the organization.

e) The Executive Board shall also be responsible for assisting with the major decisions of
the organization.


Article V Meetings
Meetings shall be
a) Executive Board Last Monday of January
b) Regular meetingFirst Monday February
c) Regular meeting Last Monday in April
d) Regular meeting Last Monday June
e) Picnic meeting in July
f) Regular meeting Last Monday in September
g) Executive Board Last Monday in October
h) Annual meeting and Banquet First Monday in November
Alternate meetings shall be convened at the discretion on the Executive Board.


Article VI Elections
The nomination and election of officers
a) A nominating committee consisting of three members shall be appointed at the annual
or prior to the November meeting. The nominating committee shall submit a slate of
two nominees for each office at the November meeting. Other nominations may be
made from the floor at the election meeting.
b) Election shall be at the November meeting (or the last meeting of the year)
c) A majority of fifty-one percent of the votes cast are necessary to elect.
d) A member voting in an election shall have his/her dues paid.
e) Twenty-five (25) percent of the members, present at any meeting shall constitute a


Article VII Amendments
Amendments may be made by a two-thirds (2/3) majority vote of membership present at any
regular meeting or at any interim or any special meeting called for that specific purpose.
Article VIII Meetings
1) Call to order
2) Secretary’s reading of the minutes
3) Treasurers report
4) Correspondence
5) Committee Reports

6) Old or unfinished business
7) New Business
8) Introduction of Speaker/ Program
9) Adjourn


Article VIII Finances
In the event the club votes to come to completion or dissolve
a) Club will pay all outstanding bills and close all accounts
b) Remaining funds will be donated to local bee clubs whose mission and purpose are
compatible with the purpose of the BVABA
c) Club officers are permitted to designate specific local clubs for donation


Article IX Committees
a) Nominating
b) Audit and budget
c) Fair and exhibits

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